Airplane Project with R; Some info about my build

Airline Project

Here is a project I’m working on:

Airline Project

I’m using a dataset obtained from

It is a work in progress, as I need to single out the Boeing 737 MAX 8, which is the type that has been crashing.

Here is a page about the specific airplane.

I’m using this as an opportunity to learn R, so this was all coded using the R kernel in Jupyter Notebook.

Install R

I just installed the latest non-beta one from their website (Win10, 64-bit). It’s a bit annoying installing batch packages (can’t seem to do them, and the package manager in the GUI is awful), but I set up R using:

install.packages("ggplot2", "readr", "dplyr", "stringr")

Until I figure out a way to install batch packages from CRAN, I will have to download them piece-meal as I need them.

Next Step

Next step is to obtain a dataset for Boeing stocks historic trends and compare them to Boeing crashes.

I can foresee a few things that may happen:

Boeing may be “too big to fail” considering how they are the sole US manufacturers of airplanes, and how this is the second crash in a month. There may also be diplomatic tension with China especially during an election year (coming election year) and protectionist sentiment. If I had the capital, I would short it at the end of this green bubble, or simply purchase the stock as it is undervalued right now.

What is your build

In case anyone was wondering, these are the specs for my current rig. Disregard the high CPU temperature as it is a misread. The CPU temp is between 29-35 degrees.:

Here’s also my build guide and corresponding build

It’s PCMark Benchmark:

Some pretty pictures as well: