EDA - Exploratory Data Analysis

Version: 5.00 - May 9th, 2020
As of 4/17/2020 I use data from Johns Hopkins CSSE

In [1]:
import gc
import os
from pathlib import Path
import random
import sys

from tqdm.notebook import tqdm
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy as sp

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

from IPython.core.display import display, HTML

# --- plotly ---
from plotly import tools, subplots
import plotly.offline as py
import plotly.graph_objs as go
import plotly.express as px
import plotly.figure_factory as ff
import plotly.io as pio
pio.templates.default = "plotly_dark"

# --- models ---
from sklearn import preprocessing
from sklearn.model_selection import KFold
import lightgbm as lgb
import xgboost as xgb
import catboost as cb

# --- setup ---
pd.set_option('max_columns', 50)

Load Data

In [2]:
# Input data files are available in the "../input/" directory.
import os
# for dirname, _, filenames in os.walk('/kaggle/input'):
#     filenames.sort()
#     for filename in filenames:
#         print(os.path.join(dirname, filename))
In [3]:
import requests

for filename in ['time_series_covid19_confirmed_global.csv',
    print(f'Downloading {filename}')
    url = f'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CSSEGISandData/COVID-19/master/csse_covid_19_data/csse_covid_19_time_series/{filename}'
    myfile = requests.get(url)
    open(filename, 'wb').write(myfile.content)
Downloading time_series_covid19_confirmed_global.csv
Downloading time_series_covid19_deaths_global.csv
Downloading time_series_covid19_recovered_global.csv
Downloading time_series_covid19_confirmed_US.csv
Downloading time_series_covid19_deaths_US.csv
Wall time: 758 ms
In [4]:
from datetime import datetime

def _convert_date_str(df):
        df.columns = list(df.columns[:4]) + [datetime.strptime(d, "%m/%d/%y").date().strftime("%Y-%m-%d") for d in df.columns[4:]]
        print('_convert_date_str failed with %y, try %Y')
        df.columns = list(df.columns[:4]) + [datetime.strptime(d, "%m/%d/%Y").date().strftime("%Y-%m-%d") for d in df.columns[4:]]

confirmed_global_df = pd.read_csv('time_series_covid19_confirmed_global.csv')

deaths_global_df = pd.read_csv('time_series_covid19_deaths_global.csv')

recovered_global_df = pd.read_csv('time_series_covid19_recovered_global.csv')
In [5]:
# Filter out problematic data points (The West Bank and Gaza had a negative value, cruise ships were associated with Canada, etc.)
removed_states = "Recovered|Grand Princess|Diamond Princess"
removed_countries = "US|The West Bank and Gaza"

confirmed_global_df.rename(columns={"Province/State": "Province_State", "Country/Region": "Country_Region"}, inplace=True)
deaths_global_df.rename(columns={"Province/State": "Province_State", "Country/Region": "Country_Region"}, inplace=True)
recovered_global_df.rename(columns={"Province/State": "Province_State", "Country/Region": "Country_Region"}, inplace=True)

confirmed_global_df = confirmed_global_df[~confirmed_global_df["Province_State"].replace(np.nan, "nan").str.match(removed_states)]
deaths_global_df    = deaths_global_df[~deaths_global_df["Province_State"].replace(np.nan, "nan").str.match(removed_states)]
recovered_global_df = recovered_global_df[~recovered_global_df["Province_State"].replace(np.nan, "nan").str.match(removed_states)]

confirmed_global_df = confirmed_global_df[~confirmed_global_df["Country_Region"].replace(np.nan, "nan").str.match(removed_countries)]
deaths_global_df    = deaths_global_df[~deaths_global_df["Country_Region"].replace(np.nan, "nan").str.match(removed_countries)]
recovered_global_df = recovered_global_df[~recovered_global_df["Country_Region"].replace(np.nan, "nan").str.match(removed_countries)]
In [6]:
confirmed_global_melt_df = confirmed_global_df.melt(
    id_vars=['Country_Region', 'Province_State', 'Lat', 'Long'], value_vars=confirmed_global_df.columns[4:], var_name='Date', value_name='ConfirmedCases')
deaths_global_melt_df = deaths_global_df.melt(
    id_vars=['Country_Region', 'Province_State', 'Lat', 'Long'], value_vars=confirmed_global_df.columns[4:], var_name='Date', value_name='Deaths')
recovered_global_melt_df = deaths_global_df.melt(
    id_vars=['Country_Region', 'Province_State', 'Lat', 'Long'], value_vars=confirmed_global_df.columns[4:], var_name='Date', value_name='Recovered')
In [7]:
train = confirmed_global_melt_df.merge(deaths_global_melt_df, on=['Country_Region', 'Province_State', 'Lat', 'Long', 'Date'])
train = train.merge(recovered_global_melt_df, on=['Country_Region', 'Province_State', 'Lat', 'Long', 'Date'])
In [8]:
# --- US ---
confirmed_us_df = pd.read_csv('time_series_covid19_confirmed_US.csv')
deaths_us_df = pd.read_csv('time_series_covid19_deaths_US.csv')

confirmed_us_df.drop(['UID', 'iso2', 'iso3', 'code3', 'FIPS', 'Admin2', 'Combined_Key'], inplace=True, axis=1)
deaths_us_df.drop(['UID', 'iso2', 'iso3', 'code3', 'FIPS', 'Admin2', 'Combined_Key', 'Population'], inplace=True, axis=1)

confirmed_us_df.rename({'Long_': 'Long'}, axis=1, inplace=True)
deaths_us_df.rename({'Long_': 'Long'}, axis=1, inplace=True)


# clean
confirmed_us_df = confirmed_us_df[~confirmed_us_df.Province_State.str.match("Diamond Princess|Grand Princess|Recovered|Northern Mariana Islands|American Samoa")]
deaths_us_df = deaths_us_df[~deaths_us_df.Province_State.str.match("Diamond Princess|Grand Princess|Recovered|Northern Mariana Islands|American Samoa")]

# --- Aggregate by province state ---
#confirmed_us_df.groupby(['Country_Region', 'Province_State'])
confirmed_us_df = confirmed_us_df.groupby(['Country_Region', 'Province_State']).sum().reset_index()
deaths_us_df = deaths_us_df.groupby(['Country_Region', 'Province_State']).sum().reset_index()

# remove lat, long.
confirmed_us_df.drop(['Lat', 'Long'], inplace=True, axis=1)
deaths_us_df.drop(['Lat', 'Long'], inplace=True, axis=1)

confirmed_us_melt_df = confirmed_us_df.melt(
    id_vars=['Country_Region', 'Province_State'], value_vars=confirmed_us_df.columns[2:], var_name='Date', value_name='ConfirmedCases')
deaths_us_melt_df = deaths_us_df.melt(
    id_vars=['Country_Region', 'Province_State'], value_vars=deaths_us_df.columns[2:], var_name='Date', value_name='Deaths')

train_us = confirmed_us_melt_df.merge(deaths_us_melt_df, on=['Country_Region', 'Province_State', 'Date'])
In [9]:
train = pd.concat([train, train_us], axis=0, sort=False)

train_us.rename({'Country_Region': 'country', 'Province_State': 'province', 'Date': 'date', 'ConfirmedCases': 'confirmed', 'Deaths': 'fatalities'}, axis=1, inplace=True)
train_us['country_province'] = train_us['country'].fillna('') + '/' + train_us['province'].fillna('')
In [10]:
Country_Region Province_State Lat Long Date ConfirmedCases Deaths Recovered
0 Afghanistan NaN 33.0000 65.0000 2020-01-22 0 0 0.0
1 Albania NaN 41.1533 20.1683 2020-01-22 0 0 0.0
2 Algeria NaN 28.0339 1.6596 2020-01-22 0 0 0.0
3 Andorra NaN 42.5063 1.5218 2020-01-22 0 0 0.0
4 Angola NaN -11.2027 17.8739 2020-01-22 0 0 0.0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
5827 US Virginia NaN NaN 2020-05-08 22342 812 NaN
5828 US Washington NaN NaN 2020-05-08 16388 905 NaN
5829 US West Virginia NaN NaN 2020-05-08 1323 52 NaN
5830 US Wisconsin NaN NaN 2020-05-08 9590 384 NaN
5831 US Wyoming NaN NaN 2020-05-08 644 7 NaN

34128 rows × 8 columns

In [11]:
datadir = Path('/kaggle/input/covid19-global-forecasting-week-4')

# Read in the data CSV files
#train = pd.read_csv(datadir/'train.csv')
#test = pd.read_csv(datadir/'test.csv')
#submission = pd.read_csv(datadir/'submission.csv')
Wall time: 0 ns
In [12]:
Country_Region Province_State Lat Long Date ConfirmedCases Deaths Recovered
0 Afghanistan NaN 33.0000 65.0000 2020-01-22 0 0 0.0
1 Albania NaN 41.1533 20.1683 2020-01-22 0 0 0.0
2 Algeria NaN 28.0339 1.6596 2020-01-22 0 0 0.0
3 Andorra NaN 42.5063 1.5218 2020-01-22 0 0 0.0
4 Angola NaN -11.2027 17.8739 2020-01-22 0 0 0.0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
5827 US Virginia NaN NaN 2020-05-08 22342 812 NaN
5828 US Washington NaN NaN 2020-05-08 16388 905 NaN
5829 US West Virginia NaN NaN 2020-05-08 1323 52 NaN
5830 US Wisconsin NaN NaN 2020-05-08 9590 384 NaN
5831 US Wyoming NaN NaN 2020-05-08 644 7 NaN

34128 rows × 8 columns

In [13]:
train.rename({'Country_Region': 'country', 'Province_State': 'province', 'Id': 'id', 'Date': 'date', 'ConfirmedCases': 'confirmed', 'Deaths': 'fatalities', 'Recovered': 'recovered'}, axis=1, inplace=True)
train['country_province'] = train['country'].fillna('') + '/' + train['province'].fillna('')

# test.rename({'Country_Region': 'country', 'Province_State': 'province', 'Id': 'id', 'Date': 'date', 'ConfirmedCases': 'confirmed', 'Fatalities': 'fatalities'}, axis=1, inplace=True)
# test['country_province'] = test['country'].fillna('') + '/' + test['province'].fillna('')
In [14]:
ww_df = train.groupby('date')[['confirmed', 'fatalities']].sum().reset_index()
ww_df['new_case'] = ww_df['confirmed'] - ww_df['confirmed'].shift(1)
date confirmed fatalities new_case
103 2020-05-04 3582875 251531 76326.0
104 2020-05-05 3662511 257233 79636.0
105 2020-05-06 3755160 263825 92649.0
106 2020-05-07 3845537 269561 90377.0
107 2020-05-08 3937883 274892 92346.0

Worldwide Trend

In [15]:
ww_melt_df = pd.melt(ww_df, id_vars=['date'], value_vars=['confirmed', 'fatalities', 'new_case'])
date variable value
0 2020-01-22 confirmed 555.0
1 2020-01-23 confirmed 654.0
2 2020-01-24 confirmed 941.0
3 2020-01-25 confirmed 1434.0
4 2020-01-26 confirmed 2118.0
... ... ... ...
319 2020-05-04 new_case 76326.0
320 2020-05-05 new_case 79636.0
321 2020-05-06 new_case 92649.0
322 2020-05-07 new_case 90377.0
323 2020-05-08 new_case 92346.0

324 rows × 3 columns

In [16]:
fig = px.line(ww_melt_df, x="date", y="value", color='variable', 
              title="Worldwide Confirmed/Death Cases Over Time")
In [17]:
fig = px.line(ww_melt_df, x="date", y="value", color='variable',
              title="Worldwide Confirmed/Death Cases Over Time (Log scale)",

The fatalities curve seems to just be a shift of the curve for confirmed cases, meaning that mortality rate is almost constant.

In [18]:
ww_df['mortality'] = ww_df['fatalities'] / ww_df['confirmed']

fig = px.line(ww_df, x="date", y="mortality", 
              title="Worldwide Mortality Rate Over Time")

Seems that the Mortality Rate peaked at 7% and is retracting back down below

Country-Wide Growth

In [19]:
country_df = train.groupby(['date', 'country'])[['confirmed', 'fatalities']].sum().reset_index()
date country confirmed fatalities
20191 2020-05-08 West Bank and Gaza 375 2
20192 2020-05-08 Western Sahara 6 0
20193 2020-05-08 Yemen 34 7
20194 2020-05-08 Zambia 167 4
20195 2020-05-08 Zimbabwe 34 4
In [20]:
countries = country_df['country'].unique()
print(f'{len(countries)} countries are in dataset:\n{countries}')
187 countries are in dataset:
['Afghanistan' 'Albania' 'Algeria' 'Andorra' 'Angola'
 'Antigua and Barbuda' 'Argentina' 'Armenia' 'Australia' 'Austria'
 'Azerbaijan' 'Bahamas' 'Bahrain' 'Bangladesh' 'Barbados' 'Belarus'
 'Belgium' 'Belize' 'Benin' 'Bhutan' 'Bolivia' 'Bosnia and Herzegovina'
 'Botswana' 'Brazil' 'Brunei' 'Bulgaria' 'Burkina Faso' 'Burma' 'Burundi'
 'Cabo Verde' 'Cambodia' 'Cameroon' 'Canada' 'Central African Republic'
 'Chad' 'Chile' 'China' 'Colombia' 'Comoros' 'Congo (Brazzaville)'
 'Congo (Kinshasa)' 'Costa Rica' "Cote d'Ivoire" 'Croatia' 'Cuba' 'Cyprus'
 'Czechia' 'Denmark' 'Diamond Princess' 'Djibouti' 'Dominica'
 'Dominican Republic' 'Ecuador' 'Egypt' 'El Salvador' 'Equatorial Guinea'
 'Eritrea' 'Estonia' 'Eswatini' 'Ethiopia' 'Fiji' 'Finland' 'France'
 'Gabon' 'Gambia' 'Georgia' 'Germany' 'Ghana' 'Greece' 'Grenada'
 'Guatemala' 'Guinea' 'Guinea-Bissau' 'Guyana' 'Haiti' 'Holy See'
 'Honduras' 'Hungary' 'Iceland' 'India' 'Indonesia' 'Iran' 'Iraq'
 'Ireland' 'Israel' 'Italy' 'Jamaica' 'Japan' 'Jordan' 'Kazakhstan'
 'Kenya' 'Korea, South' 'Kosovo' 'Kuwait' 'Kyrgyzstan' 'Laos' 'Latvia'
 'Lebanon' 'Liberia' 'Libya' 'Liechtenstein' 'Lithuania' 'Luxembourg'
 'MS Zaandam' 'Madagascar' 'Malawi' 'Malaysia' 'Maldives' 'Mali' 'Malta'
 'Mauritania' 'Mauritius' 'Mexico' 'Moldova' 'Monaco' 'Mongolia'
 'Montenegro' 'Morocco' 'Mozambique' 'Namibia' 'Nepal' 'Netherlands'
 'New Zealand' 'Nicaragua' 'Niger' 'Nigeria' 'North Macedonia' 'Norway'
 'Oman' 'Pakistan' 'Panama' 'Papua New Guinea' 'Paraguay' 'Peru'
 'Philippines' 'Poland' 'Portugal' 'Qatar' 'Romania' 'Russia' 'Rwanda'
 'Saint Kitts and Nevis' 'Saint Lucia' 'Saint Vincent and the Grenadines'
 'San Marino' 'Sao Tome and Principe' 'Saudi Arabia' 'Senegal' 'Serbia'
 'Seychelles' 'Sierra Leone' 'Singapore' 'Slovakia' 'Slovenia' 'Somalia'
 'South Africa' 'South Sudan' 'Spain' 'Sri Lanka' 'Sudan' 'Suriname'
 'Sweden' 'Switzerland' 'Syria' 'Taiwan*' 'Tajikistan' 'Tanzania'
 'Thailand' 'Timor-Leste' 'Togo' 'Trinidad and Tobago' 'Tunisia' 'Turkey'
 'US' 'Uganda' 'Ukraine' 'United Arab Emirates' 'United Kingdom' 'Uruguay'
 'Uzbekistan' 'Venezuela' 'Vietnam' 'West Bank and Gaza' 'Western Sahara'
 'Yemen' 'Zambia' 'Zimbabwe']
In [21]:
target_date = country_df['date'].max()

print('Date: ', target_date)
for i in [1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000]:
    n_countries = len(country_df.query('(date == @target_date) & confirmed > @i'))
    print(f'{n_countries} countries have more than {i} confirmed cases')
Date:  2020-05-08
187 countries have more than 1 confirmed cases
180 countries have more than 10 confirmed cases
149 countries have more than 100 confirmed cases
90 countries have more than 1000 confirmed cases
41 countries have more than 10000 confirmed cases
In [22]:
ax = sns.distplot(np.log10(country_df.query('date == "2020-03-27"')['confirmed'] + 1))
ax.set_xlim([0, 6])
_ = ax.set_xticklabels(['0', '10', '100', '1k', '10k', '100k'])
In [23]:
top_country_df = country_df.query('(date == @target_date) & (confirmed > 1000)').sort_values('confirmed', ascending=False)
top_country_melt_df = pd.melt(top_country_df, id_vars='country', value_vars=['confirmed', 'fatalities'])
In [24]:
fig = px.bar(top_country_melt_df.iloc[::-1],
             x='value', y='country', color='variable', barmode='group',
             title=f'Confirmed Cases/Deaths on {target_date}', text='value', height=1500, orientation='h')
In [69]:
top30_countries = top_country_df.sort_values('confirmed', ascending=False).iloc[:30]['country'].unique()
top30_countries_df = country_df[country_df['country'].isin(top30_countries)]
fig = px.line(top30_countries_df,
              x='date', y='confirmed', color='country',
              title=f'Confirmed Cases for top 30 country as of {target_date}')

Seems every other country has reached the flat end of the curve before reaching a quarter-million infected. The US continues to rise above 1.2 million, however, if you look carefully, you can see that the US's curve is becoming a line. This means its second-derivative has hit 1.

In [70]:
top30_countries = top_country_df.sort_values('fatalities', ascending=False).iloc[:30]['country'].unique()
top30_countries_df = country_df[country_df['country'].isin(top30_countries)]
fig = px.line(top30_countries_df,
              x='date', y='fatalities', color='country',
              title=f'Fatalities for top 30 country as of {target_date}')

We see that in terms of fatalities, Europe is more serious than the US right now

Let's look at mortality rate by country

In [27]:
top_country_df = country_df.query('(date == @target_date) & (confirmed > 100)')
top_country_df['mortality_rate'] = top_country_df['fatalities'] / top_country_df['confirmed']
top_country_df = top_country_df.sort_values('mortality_rate', ascending=False)
In [28]:
fig = px.bar(top_country_df[:30].iloc[::-1],
             x='mortality_rate', y='country',
             title=f'Mortality rate HIGH: top 30 countries on {target_date}', text='mortality_rate', height=800, orientation='h')

Seems as though Belgium, France, UK, Italy, Netherlands, Sweden, Hungary, and Spain (European countries) have a 10-16% mortality rate. This is is 2-3x as high as the US.

Maybe we can look at countries whose mortality rates are low for insight. Though, many of these countries simply do not report/measure fatalities properly.
In [29]:
fig = px.bar(top_country_df[-30:],
             x='mortality_rate', y='country',
             title=f'Mortality rate LOW: top 30 countries on {target_date}', text='mortality_rate', height=800, orientation='h')

Either the rates in tropical countries are low which leads to my hypothesis of the negative correlation between COVID-19 spread and temperature, humidity, # hours of daylight, and wind speed. However, it is just as likely, if not more, that these countries simply do not test as widely as the other Western nations.

In [30]:
all_country_df = country_df.query('date == @target_date')
all_country_df['confirmed_log1p'] = np.log10(all_country_df['confirmed'] + 1)
all_country_df['fatalities_log1p'] = np.log10(all_country_df['fatalities'] + 1)
all_country_df['mortality_rate'] = all_country_df['fatalities'] / all_country_df['confirmed']
In [74]:
fig = px.choropleth(all_country_df, locations="country", 
                    locationmode='country names', color="confirmed_log1p", 
                    hover_name="country", hover_data=["confirmed", 'fatalities', 'mortality_rate'],
                    range_color=[all_country_df['confirmed_log1p'].min(), all_country_df['confirmed_log1p'].max()], 
                    title='Countries with Confirmed Cases')

# I'd like to update colorbar to show raw values, but this does not work somehow...
# Please let me know if you know how to do this!!
trace1 = list(fig.select_traces())[0]
trace1.colorbar = go.choropleth.ColorBar(
    tickvals=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
    ticktext=['1', '10', '100', '1000','10000', '10000'])
In [75]:
fig = px.choropleth(all_country_df, locations="country", 
                    locationmode='country names', color="fatalities_log1p", 
                    hover_name="country", range_color=[0, 4],
                    hover_data=['confirmed', 'fatalities', 'mortality_rate'],
                    title='Countries with fatalities')
In [76]:
fig = px.choropleth(all_country_df, locations="country", 
                    locationmode='country names', color="mortality_rate", 
                    hover_name="country", range_color=[0, 0.12], 
                    title='Countries with mortality rate')
In [77]:
n_countries = 20
n_start_death = 10
fatality_top_countires = top_country_df.sort_values('fatalities', ascending=False).iloc[:n_countries]['country'].values
country_df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(country_df['date'])

df_list = []
for country in fatality_top_countires:
    this_country_df = country_df.query('country == @country')
    start_date = this_country_df.query('fatalities > @n_start_death')['date'].min()
    this_country_df = this_country_df.query('date >= @start_date')
    this_country_df['date_since'] = this_country_df['date'] - start_date
    this_country_df['fatalities_log1p'] = np.log10(this_country_df['fatalities'] + 1)
    this_country_df['fatalities_log1p'] -= this_country_df['fatalities_log1p'].values[0]

tmpdf = pd.concat(df_list)
tmpdf['date_since_days'] = tmpdf['date_since'] / pd.Timedelta('1 days')
In [78]:
fig = px.line(tmpdf,
              x='date_since_days', y='fatalities_log1p', color='country',
              title=f'Fatalities by country since 10 deaths, as of {target_date}')
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=[0, 21], y=[0, 3], name='Double by 7 days', line=dict(dash='dash', color=('rgb(200, 200, 200)'))))
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=[0, 42], y=[0, 3], name='Double by 14 days', line=dict(dash='dash', color=('rgb(200, 200, 200)'))))
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=[0, 63], y=[0, 3], name='Double by 21 days', line=dict(dash='dash', color=('rgb(200, 200, 200)'))))
In [79]:
country_df['prev_confirmed'] = country_df.groupby('country')['confirmed'].shift(1)
country_df['new_case'] = country_df['confirmed'] - country_df['prev_confirmed']
country_df['new_case'].fillna(0, inplace=True)
top30_country_df = country_df[country_df['country'].isin(top30_countries)]

fig = px.line(top30_country_df,
              x='date', y='new_case', color='country',
              title=f'DAILY NEW Confirmed cases world wide')

We see that jagged pink line representing the daily new cases for the US. A best fit line average would be slightly lower than 30k, which is a notable improvement from 35k back when I first ran this code in April 12th.

In [37]:
country_df['date'] = country_df['date'].apply(str)
country_df['confirmed_log1p'] = np.log1p(country_df['confirmed'])
country_df['fatalities_log1p'] = np.log1p(country_df['fatalities'])

fig = px.scatter_geo(country_df, locations="country", locationmode='country names', 
                     color="confirmed", size='confirmed', hover_name="country", 
                     hover_data=['confirmed', 'fatalities'],
                     range_color= [0, country_df['confirmed'].max()], 
                     projection="natural earth", animation_frame="date", 
                     title='COVID-19: Confirmed cases spread Over Time', color_continuous_scale="portland")
# fig.update(layout_coloraxis_showscale=False)
In [38]:
fig = px.scatter_geo(country_df, locations="country", locationmode='country names', 
                     color="fatalities", size='fatalities', hover_name="country", 
                     hover_data=['confirmed', 'fatalities'],
                     range_color= [0, country_df['fatalities'].max()], 
                     projection="natural earth", animation_frame="date", 
                     title='COVID-19: Fatalities growth Over Time', color_continuous_scale="portland")
In [39]:
country_df.loc[country_df['new_case'] < 0, 'new_case'] = 0.
fig = px.scatter_geo(country_df, locations="country", locationmode='country names', 
                     color="new_case", size='new_case', hover_name="country", 
                     hover_data=['confirmed', 'fatalities'],
                     range_color= [0, country_df['new_case'].max()], 
                     projection="natural earth", animation_frame="date", 
                     title='COVID-19: Daily NEW cases over Time', color_continuous_scale="portland")


Only 8 countries have province data
In [40]:
for country in countries:
    province = train.query('country == @country')['province'].unique()
    if len(province) > 1:       
        print(f'Country {country} has {len(province)} provinces: {province}')
Country Australia has 8 provinces: ['Australian Capital Territory' 'New South Wales' 'Northern Territory'
 'Queensland' 'South Australia' 'Tasmania' 'Victoria' 'Western Australia']
Country Canada has 12 provinces: ['Alberta' 'British Columbia' 'Manitoba' 'New Brunswick'
 'Newfoundland and Labrador' 'Nova Scotia' 'Ontario'
 'Prince Edward Island' 'Quebec' 'Saskatchewan' 'Northwest Territories'
Country China has 33 provinces: ['Anhui' 'Beijing' 'Chongqing' 'Fujian' 'Gansu' 'Guangdong' 'Guangxi'
 'Guizhou' 'Hainan' 'Hebei' 'Heilongjiang' 'Henan' 'Hong Kong' 'Hubei'
 'Hunan' 'Inner Mongolia' 'Jiangsu' 'Jiangxi' 'Jilin' 'Liaoning' 'Macau'
 'Ningxia' 'Qinghai' 'Shaanxi' 'Shandong' 'Shanghai' 'Shanxi' 'Sichuan'
 'Tianjin' 'Tibet' 'Xinjiang' 'Yunnan' 'Zhejiang']
Country Denmark has 3 provinces: ['Faroe Islands' 'Greenland' nan]
Country France has 11 provinces: ['French Guiana' 'French Polynesia' 'Guadeloupe' 'Mayotte' 'New Caledonia'
 'Reunion' 'Saint Barthelemy' 'St Martin' 'Martinique' nan
 'Saint Pierre and Miquelon']
Country Netherlands has 5 provinces: ['Aruba' 'Curacao' 'Sint Maarten' nan 'Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba']
Country US has 54 provinces: ['Alabama' 'Alaska' 'Arizona' 'Arkansas' 'California' 'Colorado'
 'Connecticut' 'Delaware' 'District of Columbia' 'Florida' 'Georgia'
 'Guam' 'Hawaii' 'Idaho' 'Illinois' 'Indiana' 'Iowa' 'Kansas' 'Kentucky'
 'Louisiana' 'Maine' 'Maryland' 'Massachusetts' 'Michigan' 'Minnesota'
 'Mississippi' 'Missouri' 'Montana' 'Nebraska' 'Nevada' 'New Hampshire'
 'New Jersey' 'New Mexico' 'New York' 'North Carolina' 'North Dakota'
 'Ohio' 'Oklahoma' 'Oregon' 'Pennsylvania' 'Puerto Rico' 'Rhode Island'
 'South Carolina' 'South Dakota' 'Tennessee' 'Texas' 'Utah' 'Vermont'
 'Virgin Islands' 'Virginia' 'Washington' 'West Virginia' 'Wisconsin'
Country United Kingdom has 11 provinces: ['Bermuda' 'Cayman Islands' 'Channel Islands' 'Gibraltar' 'Isle of Man'
 'Montserrat' nan 'Anguilla' 'British Virgin Islands'
 'Turks and Caicos Islands' 'Falkland Islands (Malvinas)']


In [41]:
usa_state_code_df = pd.read_csv('./usa_states2.csv')
In [42]:
country province date confirmed fatalities country_province
0 US Alabama 2020-01-22 0 0 US/Alabama
1 US Alaska 2020-01-22 0 0 US/Alaska
2 US Arizona 2020-01-22 0 0 US/Arizona
3 US Arkansas 2020-01-22 0 0 US/Arkansas
4 US California 2020-01-22 0 0 US/California
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
5827 US Virginia 2020-05-08 22342 812 US/Virginia
5828 US Washington 2020-05-08 16388 905 US/Washington
5829 US West Virginia 2020-05-08 1323 52 US/West Virginia
5830 US Wisconsin 2020-05-08 9590 384 US/Wisconsin
5831 US Wyoming 2020-05-08 644 7 US/Wyoming

5832 rows × 6 columns

In [43]:
# Prepare data frame only for US. 

#train_us = train.query('country == "US"')
train_us['mortality_rate'] = train_us['fatalities'] / train_us['confirmed']

# Convert province column to its 2-char code name,
state_name_to_code = dict(zip(usa_state_code_df['state_name'], usa_state_code_df['state_code']))
train_us['province_code'] = train_us['province'].map(state_name_to_code)

# Only show latest days.
train_us_latest = train_us.query('date == @target_date')
In [44]:
fig = px.choropleth(train_us_latest, locations='province_code', locationmode="USA-states",
                    color='confirmed', scope="usa", hover_data=['province', 'fatalities', 'mortality_rate'],
                    title=f'Confirmed cases in US on {target_date}')
In [45]:
train_us_latest.sort_values('confirmed', ascending=False)
country province date confirmed fatalities country_province mortality_rate province_code
5811 US New York 2020-05-08 330407 26243 US/New York 0.079426 NY
5809 US New Jersey 2020-05-08 135840 8960 US/New Jersey 0.065960 NJ
5800 US Massachusetts 2020-05-08 75333 4702 US/Massachusetts 0.062416 MA
5792 US Illinois 2020-05-08 73760 3241 US/Illinois 0.043940 IL
5782 US California 2020-05-08 63779 2613 US/California 0.040970 CA
5817 US Pennsylvania 2020-05-08 57371 3715 US/Pennsylvania 0.064754 PA
5801 US Michigan 2020-05-08 46386 4399 US/Michigan 0.094835 MI
5787 US Florida 2020-05-08 39199 1669 US/Florida 0.042578 FL
5823 US Texas 2020-05-08 37246 1025 US/Texas 0.027520 TX
5784 US Connecticut 2020-05-08 32411 2874 US/Connecticut 0.088674 CT
5788 US Georgia 2020-05-08 32181 1400 US/Georgia 0.043504 GA
5797 US Louisiana 2020-05-08 30855 2227 US/Louisiana 0.072176 LA
5799 US Maryland 2020-05-08 30485 1560 US/Maryland 0.051173 MD
5793 US Indiana 2020-05-08 23146 1447 US/Indiana 0.062516 IN
5814 US Ohio 2020-05-08 23016 1306 US/Ohio 0.056743 OH
5827 US Virginia 2020-05-08 22342 812 US/Virginia 0.036344 VA
5783 US Colorado 2020-05-08 18827 960 US/Colorado 0.050991 CO
5828 US Washington 2020-05-08 16388 905 US/Washington 0.055223 WA
5822 US Tennessee 2020-05-08 14441 242 US/Tennessee 0.016758 TN
5812 US North Carolina 2020-05-08 14006 530 US/North Carolina 0.037841 NC
5794 US Iowa 2020-05-08 11457 243 US/Iowa 0.021210 IA
5819 US Rhode Island 2020-05-08 10779 399 US/Rhode Island 0.037016 RI
5780 US Arizona 2020-05-08 10526 517 US/Arizona 0.049116 AZ
5802 US Minnesota 2020-05-08 10088 534 US/Minnesota 0.052934 MN
5804 US Missouri 2020-05-08 9733 483 US/Missouri 0.049625 MO
5830 US Wisconsin 2020-05-08 9590 384 US/Wisconsin 0.040042 WI
5778 US Alabama 2020-05-08 9385 383 US/Alabama 0.040810 AL
5803 US Mississippi 2020-05-08 9090 409 US/Mississippi 0.044994 MS
5806 US Nebraska 2020-05-08 7818 90 US/Nebraska 0.011512 NE
5820 US South Carolina 2020-05-08 7367 320 US/South Carolina 0.043437 SC
5795 US Kansas 2020-05-08 6667 168 US/Kansas 0.025199 KS
5796 US Kentucky 2020-05-08 6288 298 US/Kentucky 0.047392 KY
5785 US Delaware 2020-05-08 6111 213 US/Delaware 0.034855 DE
5807 US Nevada 2020-05-08 5920 294 US/Nevada 0.049662 NV
5824 US Utah 2020-05-08 5919 61 US/Utah 0.010306 UT
5786 US District of Columbia 2020-05-08 5899 304 US/District of Columbia 0.051534 DC
5810 US New Mexico 2020-05-08 4673 181 US/New Mexico 0.038733 NM
5815 US Oklahoma 2020-05-08 4424 266 US/Oklahoma 0.060127 OK
5781 US Arkansas 2020-05-08 3747 88 US/Arkansas 0.023485 AR
5821 US South Dakota 2020-05-08 3145 31 US/South Dakota 0.009857 SD
5816 US Oregon 2020-05-08 3068 124 US/Oregon 0.040417 OR
5808 US New Hampshire 2020-05-08 2947 121 US/New Hampshire 0.041059 NH
5791 US Idaho 2020-05-08 2178 67 US/Idaho 0.030762 ID
5818 US Puerto Rico 2020-05-08 2156 107 US/Puerto Rico 0.049629 PR
5813 US North Dakota 2020-05-08 1425 33 US/North Dakota 0.023158 ND
5798 US Maine 2020-05-08 1374 63 US/Maine 0.045852 ME
5829 US West Virginia 2020-05-08 1323 52 US/West Virginia 0.039305 WV
5825 US Vermont 2020-05-08 919 53 US/Vermont 0.057671 VT
5831 US Wyoming 2020-05-08 644 7 US/Wyoming 0.010870 WY
5790 US Hawaii 2020-05-08 629 17 US/Hawaii 0.027027 HI
5805 US Montana 2020-05-08 458 16 US/Montana 0.034934 MT
5779 US Alaska 2020-05-08 377 10 US/Alaska 0.026525 AK
5789 US Guam 2020-05-08 151 5 US/Guam 0.033113 GU
5826 US Virgin Islands 2020-05-08 68 4 US/Virgin Islands 0.058824 VI
In [46]:
fig = px.choropleth(train_us_latest, locations='province_code', locationmode="USA-states",
                    color='mortality_rate', scope="usa", hover_data=['province', 'fatalities', 'mortality_rate'],
                    title=f'Mortality rate in US on {target_date}')
In [80]:
train_us_march = train_us.query('date > "2020-03-01"')
fig = px.line(train_us_march,
              x='date', y='confirmed', color='province',
              title=f'Confirmed cases by state in US, as of {target_date}')


In [48]:
europe_country_list =list([
    'Italy', 'Latvia','Luxembourg','Lithuania','Malta','Norway','Netherlands','Poland','Portugal','Romania','Slovakia','Slovenia',
    'Spain', 'Sweden', 'United Kingdom', 'Iceland', 'Russia', 'Switzerland', 'Serbia', 'Ukraine', 'Belarus',
    'Albania', 'Bosnia and Herzegovina', 'Kosovo', 'Moldova', 'Montenegro', 'North Macedonia'])

country_df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(country_df['date'])
train_europe = country_df[country_df['country'].isin(europe_country_list)]
#train_europe['date_str'] = pd.to_datetime(train_europe['date'])
train_europe_latest = train_europe.query('date == @target_date')
In [49]:
fig = px.choropleth(train_europe_latest, locations="country", 
                    locationmode='country names', color="confirmed", 
                    hover_name="country", range_color=[1, train_europe_latest['confirmed'].max()], 
                    title=f'European Countries with Confirmed Cases as of {target_date}', scope='europe', height=800)
In [81]:
train_europe_march = train_europe.query('date >= "2020-03-01"')
fig = px.line(train_europe_march,
              x='date', y='confirmed', color='country',
              title=f'Confirmed cases by country in Europe, as of {target_date}')
In [82]:
fig = px.line(train_europe_march,
              x='date', y='fatalities', color='country',
              title=f'Fatalities by country in Europe, as of {target_date}')
In [83]:
train_europe_march['prev_confirmed'] = train_europe_march.groupby('country')['confirmed'].shift(1)
train_europe_march['new_case'] = train_europe_march['confirmed'] - train_europe_march['prev_confirmed']
fig = px.line(train_europe_march,
              x='date', y='new_case', color='country',
              title=f'DAILY NEW Confirmed cases by country in Europe')


In [53]:
country_latest = country_df.query('date == @target_date')

fig = px.choropleth(country_latest, locations="country", 
                    locationmode='country names', color="confirmed", 
                    hover_name="country", range_color=[1, 50000], 
                    title=f'Asian Countries with Confirmed Cases as of {target_date}', scope='asia', height=800)
In [54]:
top_asian_country_df = country_df[country_df['country'].isin(['China', 'Indonesia', 'Iran', 'Japan', 'Korea, South', 'Malaysia', 'Philippines'])]

fig = px.line(top_asian_country_df,
              x='date', y='new_case', color='country',
              title=f'DAILY NEW Confirmed cases world wide')


In [55]:
max_confirmed = country_df.groupby('country')['new_case'].max().reset_index()
country_latest = pd.merge(country_latest, max_confirmed.rename({'new_case': 'max_new_case'}, axis=1))
country_latest['new_case_peak_to_now_ratio'] = country_latest['new_case'] / country_latest['max_new_case']
In [56]:
recovering_country = country_latest.query('new_case_peak_to_now_ratio < 0.5')
major_recovering_country = recovering_country.query('confirmed > 100')
In [57]:
fig = px.bar(major_recovering_country.sort_values('new_case_peak_to_now_ratio', ascending=False),
             x='new_case_peak_to_now_ratio', y='country',
             title=f'Mortality rate LOW: top 30 countries on {target_date}', text='new_case_peak_to_now_ratio', height=1000, orientation='h')
In [58]:
fig = px.choropleth(country_latest, locations="country", 
                    locationmode='country names', color="new_case_peak_to_now_ratio", 
                    hover_name="country", range_color=[0, 1], 
                    # color_continuous_scale="peach", 
                    hover_data=['confirmed', 'fatalities', 'new_case', 'max_new_case'],
                    title='Countries with new_case_peak_to_now_ratio')
In [59]:
china_df = train.query('country == "China"')
china_df['prev_confirmed'] = china_df.groupby('province')['confirmed'].shift(1)
china_df['new_case'] = china_df['confirmed'] - china_df['prev_confirmed']
china_df.loc[china_df['new_case'] < 0, 'new_case'] = 0.
In [84]:
fig = px.line(china_df,
              x='date', y='new_case', color='province',
              title=f'DAILY NEW Confirmed cases in China by province')

Sigmoid Fitting - When will it converge?

Note: I am aware sigmoid fitting is not the best model to use; I also use SEIR, and various other models in the rest of my code at prettypositron.com.

In [61]:
def sigmoid(t, M, beta, alpha, offset=0):
    alpha += offset
    return M / (1 + np.exp(-beta * (t - alpha)))

def error(x, y, params):
    M, beta, alpha = params
    y_pred = sigmoid(x, M, beta, alpha)

    # apply weight, latest number is more important than past.
    weight = np.arange(len(y_pred)) ** 2
    loss_mse = np.mean((y_pred - y) ** 2 * weight)
    return loss_mse

def gen_random_color(min_value=0, max_value=256) -> str:
    """Generate random color for plotly"""
    r, g, b = np.random.randint(min_value, max_value, 3)
    return f'rgb({r},{g},{b})'
In [62]:
def fit_sigmoid(exclude_days=0):
    target_country_df_list = []
    pred_df_list = []
    for target_country in top30_countries:
        print('target_country', target_country)
        # --- Train ---
        target_country_df = country_df.query('country == @target_country')

        #train_start_date = target_country_df['date'].min()
        train_start_date = target_country_df.query('confirmed > 1000')['date'].min()
        train_end_date = pd.to_datetime(target_date) - pd.Timedelta(f'{exclude_days} days')
        target_date_df = target_country_df.query('(date >= @train_start_date) & (date <= @train_end_date)')
        if len(target_date_df) <= 7:
            print('WARNING: the data is not enough, use 7 more days...')
            train_start_date -= pd.Timedelta('7 days')
            target_date_df = target_country_df.query('(date >= @train_start_date) & (date <= @train_end_date)')

        confirmed = target_date_df['confirmed'].values
        x = np.arange(len(confirmed))

        lossfun = lambda params: error(x, confirmed, params)
        res = sp.optimize.minimize(lossfun, x0=[np.max(confirmed) * 5, 0.04, 2 * len(confirmed) / 3.], method='nelder-mead')
        M, beta, alpha = res.x
        # sigmoid_models[key] = (M, beta, alpha)
        # np.clip(sigmoid(list(range(len(data), len(data) + steps)), M, beta, alpha), 0, None).astype(int)

        # --- Pred ---
        pred_start_date = target_country_df['date'].min()
        pred_end_date = pd.to_datetime('2020-07-01')
        days = int((pred_end_date - pred_start_date) / pd.Timedelta('1 days'))
        # print('pred start', pred_start_date, 'end', pred_end_date, 'days', days)

        x = np.arange(days)
        offset = (train_start_date - pred_start_date) / pd.Timedelta('1 days')
        print('train_start_date', train_start_date, 'offset', offset, 'params', M, beta, alpha)
        y_pred = sigmoid(x, M, beta, alpha, offset=offset)
        # target_country_df['confirmed_pred'] = y_pred

        all_dates = [pred_start_date + np.timedelta64(x, 'D') for x in range(days)]
        pred_df = pd.DataFrame({
            'date': all_dates,
            'country': target_country,
            'confirmed_pred': y_pred,

    return target_country_df_list, pred_df_list
In [63]:
def plot_sigmoid_fitting(target_country_df_list, pred_df_list, title=''):
    n_countries = len(top30_countries)

    # --- Plot ---
    fig = go.Figure()

    for i in range(n_countries):
        target_country = top30_countries[i]
        target_country_df = target_country_df_list[i]
        pred_df = pred_df_list[i]
        color = gen_random_color(min_value=20)
        # Prediction
            x=pred_df['date'], y=pred_df['confirmed_pred'],
            line=dict(color=color, dash='dash')

        # Ground truth
            x=target_country_df['date'], y=target_country_df['confirmed'],
            mode='markers', name=f'{target_country}_actual',
        title=title, xaxis_title='Date', yaxis_title='Confirmed cases')
In [64]:
target_country_df_list, pred_df_list = fit_sigmoid(exclude_days=0)
target_country US
train_start_date 2020-03-11 00:00:00 offset 49.0 params 1500901.2207180504 0.08800006638362406 39.09091338437803
target_country United Kingdom
train_start_date 2020-03-14 00:00:00 offset 52.0 params 253571.68053764332 0.08787447742871408 37.71949419807986
target_country Italy
train_start_date 2020-02-29 00:00:00 offset 38.0 params 226138.41500962444 0.08393783437398586 33.524912197727986
target_country Spain
train_start_date 2020-03-09 00:00:00 offset 47.0 params 222290.07326805894 0.12431837829999261 24.698255876003905
target_country France
train_start_date 2020-03-08 00:00:00 offset 46.0 params 175272.8260263083 0.1460978229540147 30.322135735253468
target_country Brazil
train_start_date 2020-03-21 00:00:00 offset 59.0 params 937192.6656446246 0.07741729085477997 69.9476356907847
target_country Belgium
train_start_date 2020-03-16 00:00:00 offset 54.0 params 54218.36854971272 0.10983156810583583 25.60554015066927
target_country Germany
train_start_date 2020-03-08 00:00:00 offset 46.0 params 170465.4712301445 0.11398630309251799 25.800963802378142
target_country Iran
train_start_date 2020-03-02 00:00:00 offset 40.0 params 106765.20679831797 0.08444833694901821 33.22378919140396
target_country Netherlands
train_start_date 2020-03-15 00:00:00 offset 53.0 params 44076.87340058437 0.10460814254317298 24.954690021028917
target_country Canada
train_start_date 2020-03-21 00:00:00 offset 59.0 params 88259.54388300376 0.08233754799663562 33.79321404280843
target_country China
train_start_date 2020-01-25 00:00:00 offset 3.0 params 84388.47313312258 0.06502081340163574 3.9523351283208497
target_country Turkey
train_start_date 2020-03-22 00:00:00 offset 60.0 params 141404.0631604893 0.12414202209890171 24.539773347228035
target_country Sweden
train_start_date 2020-03-15 00:00:00 offset 53.0 params 31958.13336588666 0.07715603997112935 37.721097445032
target_country Mexico
train_start_date 2020-03-30 00:00:00 offset 68.0 params 70449.76370970574 0.09361778574204756 41.45380160875597
target_country India
train_start_date 2020-03-29 00:00:00 offset 67.0 params 513071.8673010224 0.07133840906334721 68.4140641425725
target_country Switzerland
train_start_date 2020-03-13 00:00:00 offset 51.0 params 30270.53067660176 0.11861765020677453 16.347863945349317
target_country Russia
train_start_date 2020-03-27 00:00:00 offset 65.0 params 403336.72768179525 0.10654263091165724 43.369794240906685
target_country Peru
train_start_date 2020-03-31 00:00:00 offset 69.0 params 149846.07297650038 0.09645158842539278 41.678472775468926
target_country Ecuador
train_start_date 2020-03-24 00:00:00 offset 62.0 params 34126.016659548506 0.17413417948300153 30.26962219959287
target_country Ireland
train_start_date 2020-03-23 00:00:00 offset 61.0 params 23444.065151227205 0.13182633501965324 22.614490375514293
target_country Portugal
train_start_date 2020-03-20 00:00:00 offset 58.0 params 28018.430364914966 0.10027231701757644 20.120438580420675
target_country Indonesia
train_start_date 2020-03-27 00:00:00 offset 65.0 params 18839.53746476926 0.07788927043468913 31.687661123843444
target_country Romania
train_start_date 2020-03-26 00:00:00 offset 64.0 params 18840.7411201867 0.07529294277496382 26.460977961723625
target_country Poland
train_start_date 2020-03-25 00:00:00 offset 63.0 params 18925.466438439318 0.07852502062849812 26.180736915786426
target_country Philippines
train_start_date 2020-03-28 00:00:00 offset 66.0 params 20178.40306804215 0.04807826277177577 39.46692206411366
target_country Austria
train_start_date 2020-03-16 00:00:00 offset 54.0 params 15659.561861544154 0.12928542625249206 11.079592136191703
target_country Pakistan
train_start_date 2020-03-25 00:00:00 offset 63.0 params 90189.0312049439 0.07319675587024826 56.13609895882287
target_country Japan
train_start_date 2020-03-21 00:00:00 offset 59.0 params 16006.472205873151 0.14049011159429997 24.50482234818289
target_country Denmark
train_start_date 2020-03-17 00:00:00 offset 55.0 params 11410.422702691892 0.07839450930563102 24.16753444537199
In [65]:
plot_sigmoid_fitting(target_country_df_list, pred_df_list, title='Sigmoid fitting with all latest data')
In [66]:
plot_sigmoid_fitting(target_country_df_list, pred_df_list, title='Sigmoid fitting without last 7days data')
In [ ]: