In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pathlib import Path
import os
from tqdm.notebook import tqdm
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp
import numpy
import datetime
from datetime import timedelta

%matplotlib inline

SEIR Model Function

S ==> Susceptible : number of susceptible
E ==> Expose : number of expose
I ==> Infectious : number of infectious
R ==> Recovered or Removed : number recovered (or immune) individuals.
We have S + E + I + R = N, this is only constant because of the (degenerate) assumption that birth and death rates are equal, N is country population.
Susceptible → Exposed → Infected → Removed, Differential Function as below
We need to solve the Differential equation to find the S,E,I,R, but what is "R_t", "T_inf", "T_inc" and how can we define those variable?
R_0 & R_t ==> Reproduction number, The definition describes the state where no other individuals are infected or immunized (naturally or through vaccination)
T_inf ==> Average duration of the infection, 1/T_inf can be treat as individual experiences one recovery in D units of time.
T_inc ==> Average incubation period, Many paper and article define as 5.1 (reference, reference2)

Assume there are some intervention will cause reproduction number (R_0) reduce (such as bed nets and vaccines,government, isolation ....), have an effectiveness which decays over time

In [2]:
# Function code refernece from

# Susceptible equation
def dS_dt(S, I, R_t, T_inf):
    return -(R_t / T_inf) * I * S

# Exposed equation
def dE_dt(S, E, I, R_t, T_inf, T_inc):
    return (R_t / T_inf) * I * S - (T_inc**-1) * E

# Infected equation
def dI_dt(I, E, T_inc, T_inf):
    return (T_inc**-1) * E - (T_inf**-1) * I

# Recovered/Remove/deceased equation
def dR_dt(I, T_inf):
    return (T_inf**-1) * I

def SEIR_model(t, y, R_t, T_inf, T_inc):
    if callable(R_t):
        reproduction = R_t(t)
        reproduction = R_t
    S, E, I, R = y
    S_out = dS_dt(S, I, reproduction, T_inf)
    E_out = dE_dt(S, E, I, reproduction, T_inf, T_inc)
    I_out = dI_dt(I, E, T_inc, T_inf)
    R_out = dR_dt(I, T_inf)
    return [S_out, E_out, I_out, R_out]

Let's start with a simpler SEIR model on Hubei

Already defined R0, T_inf, T_inc.
Compare invention and non-invention condition on SEIR model.
In [3]:
#Load dataset (global confirmed cases for each country)
train = pd.read_csv('./week 4/train.csv')
test = pd.read_csv('./week 4/test.csv')
train['Date_datetime'] = train['Date'].apply(lambda x: (datetime.datetime.strptime(x, '%Y-%m-%d')))
In [4]:
#Load dataset for populations of each country
pop_info = pd.read_csv('./population_data.csv')
country_pop = pop_info.query('Type == "Country/Region"')
province_pop = pop_info.query('Type == "Province/State"')
country_lookup = dict(zip(country_pop['Name'], country_pop['Population']))
province_lookup = dict(zip(province_pop['Name'], province_pop['Population']))
In [5]:
#Plot SEIR model and predict
def plot_model_and_predict(data, pop, solution, title='SEIR model'):
    sus, exp, inf, rec = solution.y
    f = plt.figure(figsize=(16,5))
    ax = f.add_subplot(1,2,1)
    #ax.plot(sus, 'b', label='Susceptible');
    ax.plot(exp, 'y', label='Exposed');
    ax.plot(inf, 'r', label='Infected');
    ax.plot(rec, 'c', label='Recovered/deceased');
    plt.xlabel("Days", fontsize=10);
    plt.ylabel("Fraction of population", fontsize=10);
    ax2 = f.add_subplot(1,2,2)
    preds = np.clip((inf + rec) * pop ,0,np.inf)
    ax2.plot(range(len(data)),preds[:len(data)],label = 'Predict ConfirmedCases')
    plt.title('Model predict and data')
    plt.ylabel("Population", fontsize=10);
    plt.xlabel("Days", fontsize=10);

SEIR Model on Hubei without intervention

Confirmed cases will simply increase
In [6]:
Country = 'Hubei'
N = pop_info[pop_info['Name']==Country]['Population'].tolist()[0] # Hubei Population 

# Load dataset of Hubei
train_loc = train[train['Country_Region']==Country].query('ConfirmedCases > 0')
if len(train_loc)==0:
    train_loc = train[train['Province_State']==Country].query('ConfirmedCases > 0')

n_infected = train_loc['ConfirmedCases'].iloc[0] # start from first comfirmedcase on dataset first date
max_days = len(train_loc)# how many days want to predict

# Initial stat for SEIR model
s = (N - n_infected)/ N
e = 0.
i = n_infected / N
r = 0.

# Define all variable of SEIR model 
T_inc = 5.2  # average incubation period
T_inf = 2.9 # average infectious period
R_0 = 3.954 # reproduction number

## Solve the SEIR model 
sol = solve_ivp(SEIR_model, [0, max_days], [s, e, i, r], args=(R_0, T_inf, T_inc), 

## Plot result
plot_model_and_predict(train_loc, N, sol, title = 'SEIR Model (without intervention)')

SEIR Model on Hubei with intervention

In [7]:
# Define all variable of SEIR model 
T_inc = 5.2  # average incubation period
T_inf = 2.9  # average infectious period

# Define the intervention parameters (fit result, latter will show how to fit)
R_0, cfr, k, L=[ 3.95469597 , 0.04593316 , 3.      ,   15.32328881]

def time_varying_reproduction(t): 
    return R_0 / (1 + (t/L)**k)

sol2 = solve_ivp(SEIR_model, [0, max_days], [s, e, i, r], args=(time_varying_reproduction, T_inf, T_inc), 

plot_model_and_predict(train_loc, N, sol2, title = 'SEIR Model (with intervention)')

Fit the SEIR model to real data

Find the best variables of SEIR model to fit the real data
T_inf ==> Using average value 2.9
T_inc ==> Using average value 5.2
R_t ==> find the best reproduction number by fitting the real data (if have decay function, find the paramater of decay function)
cfr ==> find the best Case fatality rate, this parater is for predict Fatalities
In [8]:
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_log_error, mean_squared_error
In [9]:
#cumsum (lol) signal is to prevent fluctuations
def cumsum_signal(vec):
    temp_val = 0
    vec_new = []
    for i in vec:
        if i > temp_val:
            temp_val = i
    return vec_new
In [10]:
# Use a constant reproduction number
def eval_model_const(params, data, population, return_solution=False, forecast_days=0):
    R_0, cfr = params # Paramaters, R0 and cfr 
    N = population # Population of each country
    n_infected = data['ConfirmedCases'].iloc[0] # start from first comfirmedcase on dataset first date
    max_days = len(data) + forecast_days # How many days want to predict
    s, e, i, r = (N - n_infected)/ N, 0, n_infected / N, 0 #Initial stat for SEIR model
    # R0 become half after intervention days
    def time_varying_reproduction(t):
        if t > 80: # we set intervention days = 80
            return R_0 * 0.5
            return R_0
    # Solve the SEIR differential equation.
    sol = solve_ivp(SEIR_model, [0, max_days], [s, e, i, r], args=(time_varying_reproduction, T_inf, T_inc),
                    t_eval=np.arange(0, max_days))
    sus, exp, inf, rec = sol.y
    # Predict confirmedcase
    y_pred_cases = np.clip((inf + rec) * N ,0,np.inf)
    y_true_cases = data['ConfirmedCases'].values
    # Predict Fatalities by remove * fatality rate(cfr)
    y_pred_fat = np.clip(rec*N* cfr, 0, np.inf)
    y_true_fat = data['Fatalities'].values
    optim_days = min(20, len(data))  # Days to optimise for
    weights = 1 / np.arange(1, optim_days+1)[::-1]  # Recent data is more heavily weighted
    # using mean squre log error to evaluate
    msle_cases = mean_squared_log_error(y_true_cases[-optim_days:], y_pred_cases[-optim_days:], weights)
    msle_fat = mean_squared_log_error(y_true_fat[-optim_days:], y_pred_fat[-optim_days:], weights)
    msle_final = np.mean([msle_cases, msle_fat])
    if return_solution:
        return msle_final, sol
        return msle_final
In [11]:
# Use a Hill decayed reproduction number
def eval_model_decay(params, data, population, return_solution=False, forecast_days=0):
    R_0, cfr, k, L = params # Paramaters, R0 and cfr 
    N = population # Population of each country
    n_infected = data['ConfirmedCases'].iloc[0] # start from first comfirmedcase on dataset first date
    max_days = len(data) + forecast_days # How many days want to predict
    s, e, i, r = (N - n_infected)/ N, 0, n_infected / N, 0 #Initial stat for SEIR model
    # Hill decay. Initial values: R_0=2.2, k=2, L=50
    def time_varying_reproduction(t): 
        return R_0 / (1 + (t/L)**k)
    # Solve the SEIR differential equation.
    sol = solve_ivp(SEIR_model, [0, max_days], [s, e, i, r], args=(time_varying_reproduction, T_inf, T_inc),
                    t_eval=np.arange(0, max_days))
    sus, exp, inf, rec = sol.y
    # Predict confirmedcase
    y_pred_cases = np.clip((inf + rec) * N ,0,np.inf)
    y_true_cases = data['ConfirmedCases'].values
    # Predict Fatalities by remove * fatality rate(cfr)
    y_pred_fat = np.clip(rec*N* cfr, 0, np.inf)
    y_true_fat = data['Fatalities'].values
    optim_days = min(20, len(data))  # Days to optimise for
    weights = 1 / np.arange(1, optim_days+1)[::-1]  # Recent data is more heavily weighted
    # using mean squre log error to evaluate
    msle_cases = mean_squared_log_error(y_true_cases[-optim_days:], y_pred_cases[-optim_days:], weights)
    msle_fat = mean_squared_log_error(y_true_fat[-optim_days:], y_pred_fat[-optim_days:], weights)
    msle_final = np.mean([msle_cases, msle_fat])
    if return_solution:
        return msle_final, sol
        return msle_final

Function of Fit the SEIR model to real data

Auto choose the best decay function of R_t (intervention days decay or Hill decay)
Total case/country population is below 1, reduce country population
If datset still no case, return 0
Function being hide, there are describe in code.
In [12]:
from matplotlib import dates
import plotly.graph_objects as go

def fit_model_new(data, area_name, initial_guess=[2.2, 0.02, 2, 50], 
              bounds=((1, 20), (0, 0.15), (1, 3), (1, 100)), make_plot=True, decay_mode = None):
    if area_name in ['France']:# France last data looks weird, remove it
        train = data.query('ConfirmedCases > 0').copy()[:-1]
        train = data.query('ConfirmedCases > 0').copy()
    ####### Split Train & Valid #######
    valid_data = train[-7:].copy()
    train_data = train[:-7].copy()
    ####### If this country have no ConfirmedCase, return 0 #######
    if len(train_data) == 0:
        result_zero = np.zeros((43))
        return pd.DataFrame({'ConfirmedCases':result_zero,'Fatalities':result_zero}), 0 
    ####### Load the population of area #######
        #population = province_lookup[area_name]
        population = pop_info[pop_info['Name']==area_name]['Population'].tolist()[0]
    except IndexError:
        print ('country not in population set, '+str(area_name))
        population = 1000000 
    if area_name == 'US':
        population = 327200000
    if area_name == 'Global':
        population = 7744240900
    cases_per_million = train_data['ConfirmedCases'].max() * 10**6 / population
    n_infected = train_data['ConfirmedCases'].iloc[0]
    ####### Total case/popuplation below 1, reduce country population #######
    if cases_per_million < 1:
        #print ('reduce pop divide by 100')
        population = population/100
    ####### Fit the real data by minimize the MSLE #######
    res_const = minimize(eval_model_const, [2.2, 0.02], bounds=((1, 20), (0, 0.15)),
                         args=(train_data, population, False),

    res_decay = minimize(eval_model_decay, initial_guess, bounds=bounds,
                         args=(train_data, population, False),
    ####### Align the date information #######
    test_end = datetime.datetime.strptime('2020-05-14','%Y-%m-%d')
    test_start = datetime.datetime.strptime('2020-04-02','%Y-%m-%d')
    test_period = (test_end - test_start).days
    train_max = train_data.Date_datetime.max()
    train_all_max = train.Date_datetime.max()
    train_min = train_data.Date_datetime.min()
    add_date = 0
    delta_days =(test_end - train_max).days

    if train_min > test_start:
        add_date = (train_min-test_start).days
        last = train_min-timedelta(add_date)
        train_add_time = np.arange(last, train_min, dtype='datetime64[D]').tolist()
        train_add_time = pd.to_datetime(train_add_time)
        dates_all = train_add_time.append(pd.to_datetime(np.arange(train_min, test_end+timedelta(1), dtype='datetime64[D]')))
        dates_all = pd.to_datetime(np.arange(train_min, test_end+timedelta(1), dtype='datetime64[D]'))

    ####### Auto find the best decay function ####### 
    if decay_mode is None:
        if < :
            msle, sol = eval_model_const(res_const.x, train_data, population, True, delta_days+add_date)
            res = res_const

            msle, sol = eval_model_decay(res_decay.x, train_data, population, True, delta_days+add_date)
            res = res_decay
            R_0, cfr, k, L = res.x
        if decay_mode =='day_decay':
            msle, sol = eval_model_const(res_const.x, train_data, population, True, delta_days+add_date)
            res = res_const
            msle, sol = eval_model_decay(res_decay.x, train_data, population, True, delta_days+add_date)
            res = res_decay
            R_0, cfr, k, L = res.x

    ####### Predict the result by using best fit paramater of SEIR model ####### 
    sus, exp, inf, rec = sol.y
    y_pred = pd.DataFrame({
        'ConfirmedCases': cumsum_signal(np.diff((inf + rec) * population, prepend=n_infected).cumsum()),
       # 'ConfirmedCases': [inf[0]*population for i in range(add_date)]+(np.clip((inf + rec) * population,0,np.inf)).tolist(),
       # 'Fatalities': [rec[0]*population for i in range(add_date)]+(np.clip(rec, 0, np.inf) * population * res.x[1]).tolist()
        'Fatalities': cumsum_signal((np.clip(rec * population * res.x[1], 0, np.inf)).tolist())

    y_pred_valid = y_pred.iloc[len(train_data):len(train_data)+len(valid_data)]
    #y_pred_valid = y_pred.iloc[:len(train_data)]
    y_pred_test = y_pred.iloc[-(test_period+1):]
    #y_true_valid = train_data[['ConfirmedCases', 'Fatalities']]
    y_true_valid = valid_data[['ConfirmedCases', 'Fatalities']]
    #print (len(y_pred),train_min)
    #print (y_true_valid['ConfirmedCases'])
    #print (y_pred_valid['ConfirmedCases'])
    ####### Calculate MSLE ####### 
    valid_msle_cases = mean_squared_log_error(y_true_valid['ConfirmedCases'], y_pred_valid['ConfirmedCases'])
    valid_msle_fat = mean_squared_log_error(y_true_valid['Fatalities'], y_pred_valid['Fatalities'])
    valid_msle = np.mean([valid_msle_cases, valid_msle_fat])
    ####### Plot the fit result of train data and forecast after 300 days ####### 
    if make_plot:
        if len(res.x)<=2:
            print(f'Validation MSLE: {valid_msle:0.5f}, using intervention days decay, Reproduction number(R0) : {res.x[0]:0.5f}, Fatal rate : {res.x[1]:0.5f}')
            print(f'Validation MSLE: {valid_msle:0.5f}, using Hill decay, Reproduction number(R0) : {res.x[0]:0.5f}, Fatal rate : {res.x[1]:0.5f}, K : {res.x[2]:0.5f}, L: {res.x[3]:0.5f}')
        ####### Plot the fit result of train data dna SEIR model trends #######

        f = plt.figure(figsize=(16,5))
        ax = f.add_subplot(1,2,1)
        ax.plot(exp, 'y', label='Exposed');
        ax.plot(inf, 'r', label='Infected');
        ax.plot(rec, 'c', label='Recovered/deceased');
        plt.title('SEIR Model Trends')
        plt.xlabel("Days", fontsize=10);
        plt.ylabel("Fraction of population", fontsize=10);
        #train_date_remove_year = train_data['Date_datetime'].apply(lambda date:'{:%m-%d}'.format(date))
        ax2 = f.add_subplot(1,2,2)
        xaxis = train_data['Date_datetime'].tolist()
        xaxis = dates.date2num(xaxis)
        hfmt = dates.DateFormatter('%m\n%d')
        ax2.plot(np.array(train_data['Date_datetime'], dtype='datetime64[D]'),train_data['ConfirmedCases'],label='Confirmed Cases (train)', c='g')
        ax2.plot(np.array(train_data['Date_datetime'], dtype='datetime64[D]'), y_pred['ConfirmedCases'][:len(train_data)],label='Cumulative modeled infections', c='r')
        ax2.plot(np.array(valid_data['Date_datetime'], dtype='datetime64[D]'), y_true_valid['ConfirmedCases'],label='Confirmed Cases (valid)', c='b')
        ax2.plot(np.array(valid_data['Date_datetime'], dtype='datetime64[D]'),y_pred_valid['ConfirmedCases'],label='Cumulative modeled infections (valid)', c='y')
        plt.title('Real ConfirmedCase and Predict ConfirmedCase')
        ####### Forecast 300 days after by using the best paramater of train data #######
        if len(res.x)>2:
            msle, sol = eval_model_decay(res.x, train_data, population, True, 300)
            msle, sol = eval_model_const(res.x, train_data, population, True, 300)
        sus, exp, inf, rec = sol.y
        y_pred = pd.DataFrame({
            'ConfirmedCases': cumsum_signal(np.diff((inf + rec) * population, prepend=n_infected).cumsum()),
            'Fatalities': cumsum_signal(np.clip(rec, 0, np.inf) * population * res.x[1])
        ####### Plot 300 days after of each country #######
        start = train_min
        end = start + timedelta(len(y_pred))
        time_array = np.arange(start, end, dtype='datetime64[D]')

        max_day = numpy.where(inf == numpy.amax(inf))[0][0]
        where_time = time_array[max_day]
        pred_max_day = y_pred['ConfirmedCases'][max_day]
        xy_show_max_estimation = (where_time, max_day)
        con = y_pred['ConfirmedCases']
        max_day_con = numpy.where(con == numpy.amax(con))[0][0] # Find the max confimed case of each country
        max_con = numpy.amax(con)
        where_time_con = time_array[len(time_array)-50]
        xy_show_max_estimation_confirmed = (where_time_con, max_con)
        fig = go.Figure()
        fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=time_array, y=y_pred['ConfirmedCases'].astype(int),
                            line = dict(color='red'),
                            name='Estimation Confirmed Case Start from '+ str( ' to ' +str(
        fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=time_array[:len(train)], y=train['ConfirmedCases'],
                            name='Confirmed case until '+ str(,line = dict(color='green', width=4)))
            text="Estimate Max Case around:" +str(int(max_con)),
            text=f"Real Max ConfirmedCase: " +str(int(train['ConfirmedCases'].tolist()[-1]))) 
            text='Infect start decrease from: ' + str(where_time))   
        fig.update_layout(title='Estimate Confirmed Case ,'+area_name+' Total population ='+ str(int(population)), legend_orientation="h")
        #df = pd.DataFrame({'Values': train_data['ConfirmedCases'].tolist()+y_pred['ConfirmedCases'].tolist(),'Date_datatime':time_array[:len(train_data)].tolist()+time_array.tolist(),
        #           'Real/Predict': ['ConfirmedCase' for i in range(len(train_data))]+['PredictCase' for i in range(len(y_pred))]})
        #fig = px.line(df, x="Date_datatime", y="Values",color = 'Real/Predict')
        #plt.figure(figsize = (16,7))
        #plt.plot(time_array[:len(train_data)],train_data['ConfirmedCases'],label='Confirmed case until '+ str(,color='g', linewidth=3.0)
        #plt.plot(time_array,y_pred['ConfirmedCases'],label='Estimation Confirmed Case Start from '+ str( ' to ' +str(,color='r', linewidth=1.0)
        #plt.annotate('Infect start decrease from: ' + str(where_time), xy=xy_show_max_estimation, size=15, color="black")
        #plt.annotate('max Confirmedcase: ' + str(int(max_con)), xy=xy_show_max_estimation_confirmed, size=15, color="black")
        #plt.title('Estimate Confirmed Case '+area_name+' Total population ='+ str(int(population)))
        #plt.legend(loc='lower right')

    return y_pred_test, valid_msle

Let's fit SEIR model on countries

Check US, Spain, Italy, France, Germany, and... New York
Hope these are not ture... Italy and New York are very terrifying....
In [26]:
country = 'Spain'
if country not in train['Country_Region'].unique():
    country_pd_train = train[train['Province_State']==country]
    country_pd_train = train[train['Country_Region']==country]

a,b = fit_model_new(country_pd_train,country,make_plot=True)
Validation MSLE: 0.13884, using Hill decay, Reproduction number(R0) : 3.47257, Fatal rate : 0.11285, K : 3.00000, L: 66.91991
In [27]:
country = 'Italy'
if country not in train['Country_Region'].unique():
    country_pd_train = train[train['Province_State']==country]
    country_pd_train = train[train['Country_Region']==country]

a,b = fit_model_new(country_pd_train,country,make_plot=True)
Validation MSLE: 0.00647, using Hill decay, Reproduction number(R0) : 3.97334, Fatal rate : 0.13499, K : 2.93806, L: 42.79896
In [30]:
country = 'Japan'
if country not in train['Country_Region'].unique():
    country_pd_train = train[train['Province_State']==country]
    country_pd_train = train[train['Country_Region']==country]

a,b = fit_model_new(country_pd_train,country,make_plot=True)
Validation MSLE: 0.09287, using Hill decay, Reproduction number(R0) : 2.78693, Fatal rate : 0.03212, K : 1.00000, L: 50.18504
In [29]:
country = 'Germany'
if country not in train['Country_Region'].unique():
    country_pd_train = train[train['Province_State']==country]
    country_pd_train = train[train['Country_Region']==country]

a,b = fit_model_new(country_pd_train,country,make_plot=True)
Validation MSLE: 0.38472, using intervention days decay, Reproduction number(R0) : 2.83840, Fatal rate : 0.01324
In [17]:
country = 'New York'
if country not in train['Country_Region'].unique():
    country_pd_train = train[train['Province_State']==country]
    country_pd_train = train[train['Country_Region']==country]

a,b = fit_model_new(country_pd_train,country,make_plot=True)
Validation MSLE: 0.10053, using Hill decay, Reproduction number(R0) : 6.11640, Fatal rate : 0.02680, K : 3.00000, L: 15.73139
In [18]:
country = 'US'
country_pd_train = train[train['Country_Region']==country]
country_pd_train2 = country_pd_train.groupby(['Date']).sum().reset_index()
country_pd_train2['Date_datetime'] = country_pd_train2['Date'].apply(lambda x: (datetime.datetime.strptime(x, '%Y-%m-%d')))
a,b = fit_model_new(country_pd_train2,country,make_plot=True)
Validation MSLE: 0.27224, using Hill decay, Reproduction number(R0) : 4.65284, Fatal rate : 0.03483, K : 1.00000, L: 49.94895
In [19]:
country = 'Global'
country_pd_train2 = train.groupby(['Date']).sum().reset_index()
country_pd_train2['Date_datetime'] = country_pd_train2['Date'].apply(lambda x: (datetime.datetime.strptime(x, '%Y-%m-%d')))
a,b = fit_model_new(country_pd_train2,country,make_plot=True)
country not in population set, Global
Validation MSLE: 0.01648, using intervention days decay, Reproduction number(R0) : 1.93543, Fatal rate : 0.06216

Predict all Country/Region and Province/States

Counting all Country/Region MSLE & predict
If MSLE is lower than 1 , using PR model to retrain and check the performance
In [20]:
import numpy
validation_scores = []
validation_county = []
validation_country = []
for country in tqdm(train['Country_Region'].unique()):
    country_pd_train = train[train['Country_Region']==country]
    #if country_pd_train['Province_State'].isna().unique()==True:
    if len(country_pd_train['Province_State'].unique())<2:
        predict_test, score = fit_model_new(country_pd_train,country,make_plot=False)
        if score ==0:
            print(f'{country} no case')
        test.loc[test['Country_Region']==country,'ConfirmedCases'] = predict_test['ConfirmedCases'].tolist()
        test.loc[test['Country_Region']==country,'Fatalities'] = predict_test['Fatalities'].tolist()
        for state in country_pd_train['Province_State'].unique():
            if state != state: # check nan
                state_pd = country_pd_train[country_pd_train['Province_State'].isna()]
                predict_test, score = fit_model_new(state_pd,state,make_plot=False)
                if score ==0:
                    print(f'{country} / {state} no case')
                test.loc[(test['Country_Region']==country)&(test['Province_State'].isna()),'ConfirmedCases'] = predict_test['ConfirmedCases'].tolist()
                test.loc[(test['Country_Region']==country)&(test['Province_State'].isna()),'Fatalities'] = predict_test['Fatalities'].tolist()
                state_pd = country_pd_train[country_pd_train['Province_State']==state]
                predict_test, score = fit_model_new(state_pd,state,make_plot=False)
                if score ==0:
                    print(f'{country} / {state} no case')
                test.loc[(test['Country_Region']==country)&(test['Province_State']==state),'ConfirmedCases'] = predict_test['ConfirmedCases'].tolist()
                test.loc[(test['Country_Region']==country)&(test['Province_State']==state),'Fatalities'] = predict_test['Fatalities'].tolist()
         #   print(f'{country} {state} {score:0.5f}')
print(f'Mean validation score: {np.average(validation_scores):0.5f}')
country not in population set, nan
France / Saint Pierre and Miquelon no case
country not in population set, nan
country not in population set, Malawi
country not in population set, Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba
country not in population set, nan
Sao Tome and Principe no case
South Sudan no case
United Kingdom / Falkland Islands (Malvinas) no case
country not in population set, nan
Western Sahara no case

Mean validation score: 0.17047
In [21]:
validation_scores = pd.DataFrame({'country/state':validation_country,'country':validation_county,'MSLE':validation_scores})
validation_scores.sort_values(by=['MSLE'], ascending=False).head(20)
country/state country MSLE
236 Turkey Turkey 3.039220
169 Mali Mali 2.721513
301 United Kingdom Isle of Man 1.486707
208 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 1.407555
159 Liberia Liberia 1.372836
43 Canada Newfoundland and Labrador 1.153323
306 Uzbekistan Uzbekistan 1.066531
166 Malawi Malawi 0.906227
288 US West Virginia 0.851614
303 United Kingdom Turks and Caicos Islands 0.824219
189 Niger Niger 0.805240
220 South Africa South Africa 0.798838
126 Georgia Georgia 0.761064
21 Barbados Barbados 0.721071
234 Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago 0.719312
117 France Mayotte 0.710440
295 United Kingdom Bermuda 0.681951
283 US Utah 0.664046
237 US Alabama 0.629538
110 Ethiopia Ethiopia 0.611739

Retrain PR model for MSLE>1 countries

If MSLE of PR model lower than SEIR model, than use PR model as predict result
In [22]:
large_msle = validation_scores[validation_scores['MSLE']>1]
In [23]:
test_end = datetime.datetime.strptime('2020-05-14','%Y-%m-%d')
test_start = datetime.datetime.strptime('2020-04-02','%Y-%m-%d')
train_max = train.Date_datetime.max()
train_min = train.Date_datetime.min()
delta_days =(test_end - train_max).days
all_days =(test_end - train_min).days
test_days = (test_end - test_start).days
(34, 113, 42)
In [24]:
from sklearn import linear_model
from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression

for country in large_msle['country'].unique():
    if (country!= country)==False: # check None
        #print ('training model for country ==>'+country)
        country_pd_train = train[train['Country_Region']==country]
        country_pd_test = test[test['Country_Region']==country]
        if len(country_pd_train)==0:
            country_pd_train = train[train['Province_State']==country]
            country_pd_test = test[test['Province_State']==country]

            x = np.array(range(len(country_pd_train))).reshape((-1,1))[:-7]
            valid_x = np.array(range(len(country_pd_train))).reshape((-1,1))[-7:]
            y = country_pd_train['ConfirmedCases'][:-7]
            valid_y = country_pd_train['ConfirmedCases'][-7:]
            y_fat = country_pd_train['Fatalities'][:-7]
            valid_y_fat = country_pd_train['Fatalities'][-7:]
            model = Pipeline([('poly', PolynomialFeatures(degree=2)),
                             ('linear', LinearRegression(fit_intercept=False))])
            model =, y)

            model_fat = Pipeline([('poly', PolynomialFeatures(degree=2)),
                             ('linear', LinearRegression(fit_intercept=False))])
            model_fat =, y_fat)
            predict_y = model.predict(valid_x)
            predict_yfat = model_fat.predict(valid_x)
            score = mean_squared_log_error(np.clip(valid_y,0,np.inf), np.clip(predict_y,0,np.inf))
            score_fat = mean_squared_log_error(np.clip(valid_y_fat,0,np.inf), np.clip(predict_yfat,0,np.inf))
            score = (score+score_fat)/2

            print(f'{country} {score:0.5f}')
            if score < large_msle[large_msle['country']==country]['MSLE'].tolist()[0]:
                validation_scores.loc[validation_scores['country']==country,'MSLE'] = score
                predict_x = (np.array(range(all_days))).reshape((-1,1))
                test.loc[test['Province_State']==country,'ConfirmedCases'] = model.predict(predict_x)[-43:]
                test.loc[test['Province_State']==country,'Fatalities'] = model_fat.predict(predict_x)[-43:]
            x = np.array(range(len(country_pd_train))).reshape((-1,1))[:-7]
            valid_x = np.array(range(len(country_pd_train))).reshape((-1,1))[-7:]
            y = country_pd_train['ConfirmedCases'][:-7]
            valid_y = country_pd_train['ConfirmedCases'][-7:]
            y_fat = country_pd_train['Fatalities'][:-7]
            valid_y_fat = country_pd_train['Fatalities'][-7:]
            model = Pipeline([('poly', PolynomialFeatures(degree=2)),
                             ('linear', LinearRegression(fit_intercept=False))])
            model =, y)

            model_fat = Pipeline([('poly', PolynomialFeatures(degree=2)),
                             ('linear', LinearRegression(fit_intercept=False))])
            model_fat =, y_fat)
            predict_y = model.predict(valid_x)
            predict_yfat = model_fat.predict(valid_x)
            score = mean_squared_log_error(np.clip(valid_y,0,np.inf), np.clip(predict_y,0,np.inf))
            score_fat = mean_squared_log_error(np.clip(valid_y_fat,0,np.inf), np.clip(predict_yfat,0,np.inf))
            score = (score+score_fat)/2

            print(f'{country} {score:0.5f}')
            if score < large_msle[large_msle['country']==country]['MSLE'].tolist()[0]:
                validation_scores.loc[validation_scores['country']==country,'MSLE'] = score
                predict_x = (np.array(range(all_days))).reshape((-1,1))
                test.loc[test['Country_Region']==country,'ConfirmedCases'] = model.predict(predict_x)[-43:]
                test.loc[test['Country_Region']==country,'Fatalities'] = model_fat.predict(predict_x)[-43:]
Newfoundland and Labrador 0.14913
Liberia 1.74442
Mali 0.67638
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 0.69719
Turkey 1.06205
Isle of Man 0.40326
Uzbekistan 0.49189
In [25]:
val_soces = validation_scores['MSLE'].tolist()
print(f'Mean validation score: {np.average(val_soces):0.5f}')
Mean validation score: 0.14685


This SEIR model is for idea Compartmental models in epidemiology, it's rough
R0 reduce can be cause by many things (government, Medical system, calture(habit to wear mask), people behavior)
We can using real data of recover for each country to define "T_inf"
In [ ]: