1. Setting up the new PC

    It’s interesting that I scarcely understood Python two years ago, but have picked up whatever language I had to in the years since. What started off as a fear of learning new things compounded by my peers being so ahead of me, turned into a cybernetic existence in which I feel all too comfy to be in. Afterall, I learned HTML and CSS from right clicking and hitting “view source” on Dragonball Z websites since I was 12 years old. What seemed to come naturally to me at that age, in addition to building a PC, I only learned in later years was not very normal. I still find it baffling that my peers who have degrees in Computer Science do not know how to format a computer, or how to pirate media, or how to navigate the dark web, or how to use a private VPN. …

  2. Built a PC

    I could not resist building a new PC. I was meant to do this at the ML Neuro lab, however we ran into red tape regarding Columbia’s IT Department and their contract with HP. Nonetheless, I had toxic assets (crypto) which many retailers accepted, which is folly. I long charted the price trends of various components, and made my purchases at a dip which was unsurprisingly during Black Friday. …

  3. First Post for new webpage

    Here’s a minimal website for myself. It’s really just a blog with professional links. …